
Monday, April 20, 2020

Feijoa hunt

Today I went to my neighbour's house, I climbed over the fence then I looked on the ground for some feijoas and then I came back with 31 feijoas. After I came back with the 31 feijoas, me and my Mum put all 31 feijoas in a egg tray. Me and my Mum showed my Dad all the feijoas and he was shocked.

Message for Mr Herlihy: these are for you if you want them.

My Mum just ate 2 feijoas and now she is getting more.


  1. Hi Francisco, good idea using the egg tray for your 31 feijoas you have counted. Minus the 2 that mum ate,nice of you to share your feijoas with the principal. :) You just did some math work there. Keep up the writing!

  2. Feijoas are the best. They are rich in vitamins and are healthy for you. How many can you eat?


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