
Friday, July 31, 2020

Tread lightly Caravan

If you can't see what I chose for my tread lightly caravan thingy here it is (Use both sides of a piece of paper before recycling). I like the tread lightly caravan because I saw what could happen in the future, from now to 2040 to 3020 (it was very very very very distusting).

All about me

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Te oro experience

The first thing that happened before the most exciting part which I will tell you in a moment is that Room 9 and Room 10 went to Room 8. When the classes came in, we had to listen for instructions from Mrs Faalili. The middle syndicate was also meant to get our bags but Mr Raj said never mind. The next thing the middle syndicate had to do was the most tiring thing was to walk from west tamaki road to 98 Line Road, Glen Innes, Auckland 1072. The walk was over but we still had to walk in to the art room (I think) because there was a workshop

Pen license

Today I got a special certificate for earning my pen license(T0DAY)

(: (: (: (: (: (: (-_+)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020